On January 8th, professorMa Changqianand professor Wang wei from the School of Geosciences donated a specimen to Yifu Museum. professor Ma Changqian, professor Xiao Long and professor She Zhenbing from the School of Geosciences, Liu Xianguo, curator of the museum, Fan Luwei, vice curator of the museum, Xie Dan, director of the Development and Planning Office, Li Fuqiang and Dr. Sui Jixiang, director of the Exhibition Department of Yifu Museum attended the donation ceremony.

Professor Mamade anintroduction aboutthespecimen.Itis a piece of red silicaceous rock weighing about 11KG, which was collected from thesemailophiolite series of the Wadi Jizi copper mine in Sohar, northern Sultanate of Oman.The siliceous rocks inophiolite are widely regarded as the remnant of the Neo-Tethyan lithosphere.The Neo-Tethyanwasan ancient oceanofthe Mesozoic,located between Gondwanaland in the southern hemisphere and Eurasia in the northern hemisphere. Its tectonic evolution directly shaped thepresentocean-continental framework, which has been an importantsubjectof geology.Containingrich petrological and geochemical information,thesemailophiolite series in Oman is an important rock specimen forexploringthe geological evolution of the Tethys tectonic belt (Southeast Asia - Mediterranean) including the Qinghai-Tibet Plateauover the past 100 million years. Therefore, theseries is endowed with precious scientific value for the study of palaeoenvironment, palaeoclimate and palaeostructure.The specimenwascollectedby professor Ma and professor Wangin the middle of November, 2019,during their participation in IGCP-649 project, aninternational academic exchangesactivity jointly organized by Academician Yang Jingsui, a famous petrologist in China, and Professor Sobhi Nasir, director of the Centre for Earth Science Research in Sultan Qaboos University and UNESCO Chair in Ophiolite Research.
Professor Masaid,the donation of this specimenisof great significance in deepening the cooperation in education and technologyunder the Belt and Road Initiativeand in understanding the evolution of the Neo-Tethyan.He hopes to cultivatemore excellent geological talents to build ahabitable earthandabeautiful China,tohelp the“Double First-Class”construction of CUGandtheBelt and Roadcooperation in education and technology.

CuratorLiu Xianguo presented the donation certificate toprofessor Ma.He said, professor Ma andprofessor Wangare devoted togeology and care about the cultivation ofrelevanttalents. Their donationgreatly boostedthemuseum’sconstruction ofa national second-class museum.The museum will treasure this rarespecimen and make it play a greater role in teaching, scientific research andpopularization of science.

Graduatingfrom Wuhan Institute of Geologyingeochemical prospectingmajorin January 1982,MaChangqian was promoted to be aprofessor in the originalGeological andMineralDepartmentin1992. As a leader ofstate-level teaching teamofmineral petrology,heengaged inteaching and research work in fields ofigneous petrology and geochemistry,magmaticdynamics anddeepprocess ofgranite, higher geological education.Over the past 40 years, he hasbeenworkingtirelesslyand sparing no effort incollecting and sorting rock specimens all over the world for teaching and scientific research,makinghugecontributions to thetrainingof geoscience talents and scientific research.

ProfessorWanghas been working insedimentology research in CUGsince 2014,having madea series of important researchachievementson the formation and evolutionof the Proterozoic sedimentary basins in the southeastern and southwestern margins of the Yangtze Block,continental crust accretion and supercontinent convergenceand breakup. ProfessorWang, Deputy director ofthe Department ofEarth MaterialScience, obtainedthe University Young Teachers Funds under the Fok Ying Tung Education Foundation, "Hou Defeng"YoungScientistAward from the Chinese Society for Mineralogy,Petrology and Geochemistry,etc.
Siliceous rock isnormallygrayish black or grayish white,while the specimen donated byprofessor Maandprofessor Wangisreddish brown, which is rarein bothphysical appearance and research value.
(Written by Xu Yan, Sui Jixiang PicturebyGe Wenliang)