The fine minerals of China hall was open in November 2018,in which every exhibits is so good and precious that these minerals are similar with the jewelry and gem.There are main 6 parts,including the treasures of china part,the central south china part,the southwest china part,the north china part and the fluorescent minerals. Almost of 300 finespecimensare stored in the hall. Excepting the the precious and classical minerals,such as the stibnite,cinnabar,orpiment and fluorite and so on,there are some new minerals that was found in china,such as the rthdochrosite,sheelite ,cassiterite and rhodotilite,most of which are the top minerals in the world.
All of the exhibits in this hall are provided by Dr.Liu guanghua and his wife,who are famous collectors and favor collecting the mineral specimens and protecting the geological specimens.In addition,Dr.Liu donated 45 mineral specimens to our university.
During the traveling of the exhibition hall ,visitors could not only enjoy the beauty of minerals but also know the protection of the nature.