Roaming the Mineral WorldChen Jing
(Correspondent Xu Yan) Do you really know the earth we live in?
Our beautiful blue planet, over a long period of more than 4 billion years, has experienced crustal movement, planet impact, glacier erosion, weathering and other natural phenomena, giving birth to a variety of bright and colorful mineral gems.
What are the most common minerals on the earth? Where do they hide? How do mineral crystals form? Where do they come from? Have you ever seen a cave full of mineral crystals?

Do you know which mineral has the most changeable color? And which mineral has the most variable form?

Have you ever seen a mineral that glows? Do you want to know the science behind the glow-in-the-dark Pearl?

Canyoumake beautiful mineralcrystals by yourself?

If you want to know the answers,nowturn toRoaming the Mineral World!Launched by the popular science team of Yifu Museum of China University of Geosciences,this book will take you through thousands of years to roam the wonderful mineral world, and the answerswill be clear at a glance!
This bookis prefaced by academician Wang Yanxinof Chinese Academy of Sciences,and officially published by China University of Geosciences Press.

This book introduces readers to the scientific knowledge about minerals with easy-to-understand language, exquisite specimen pictures and vivid hand-painted pictures. It can not onlyenablereaderstolearn scientific knowledge, but also cultivate their interests in minerals and nature. More importantly,readers canexperiencethe the marvelous works of nature from each specimen, so as toaweand love the earth more. In addition, the bookpresentssomespecial contents such as“thinkingmoment”,“knowledge point”,“practicing time”,“matching game”,“stories behind specimens”and“interestingexperiments”. By scanningtheQR code to watch videos,readers can see the experimental process more intuitively, and scientific thinking and methods are conveyed to them.

What are you waiting for? Now let’s interpret the mysteryof the earth throughstones, face the uncanny workmanship ofminerals, and appreciate the unprecedentedmagic of naturetogether!
Introduction to the Author:

Dr.Chen Jing,associateprofessor,director oftheScience Popularization Education Department of Yifu Museum,isengagedin research and creation ofscience popularizationofgeosciences.She is the author of the popular science book,Long Sleeping Fossils,whichwon the2019OutstandingPopularScienceWorksofHubei Province,theSpecialFundProject forSocialPubic WelfarePublishing in Hubei Province, and the Jiangcheng Popular Science Reading Library Project of Wuhan Science and Technology Association.